Tip: If you are unable to, or simply do not, file an income tax return, the IRS may prepare one for you. In fact, whenever you voluntarily do not file an income tax return, the law allows the IRS to prepare a substitute tax return for you. This will happen, however, only after numerous attempts have been made to contact you and arrive at a mutually satisfying repayment agreement of back taxes. You do not want this to happen, if at all possible.
Even though the IRS may have filed a substitute tax return for you, it still is recommended that you file a correct tax return to properly claim any deductions, expenses, etc. Your tax account will be updated with any figures you provide.
Plus, by you filing a tax return for your unpaid back taxes, you will place a time limit on the statute of limitations in which the IRS can come after you. If you never file a tax return, there is no time limit for the IRS to attempt collections.
A substitute tax return will use only the standardized amounts applicable to exemptions, deductions, income, and credits. This basic return will not include any of the numerous expenses you are entitled to.
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